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Monday, October 22, 2012

Cooperative Micro-finance: An Eco-peace for World Humanity

The world of today had been suffering un-repairable damages due to debt-based economy with risk transferring techniques, which give one an opportunity to gain at the expense of others by diminishing the spirit of eco-democracy thus, fails to guarantee an eco-peace in today’s world of humanity. Such a debt-based mechanism enriches the riches with opportunities while closing the door of poor by depriving them from enjoying with true eco-democracy.

To rescue the world humanity from an unjust treatment through debt-based economy CMF a debt-free asset based mechanism with risk sharing technique is timely, which may be among the right alternative moves to day to facilitate a sustainable “Debt-free 3rd World Development with true democracy to peace for all” with result oriented achievement by creating an enterprising and entrepreneur based Nation aiming to have the chance to be self-reliant, matured, esteemed and proud leading to eco-Peace, Progressive and Prosperous in the Contemporary World of advanced socio-economic reality.

 The mechanism of operation of CMF shall be adapted based on the micro-democratic arrangement with holistic spirit of mutual cooperation, brotherhood and solidarity in view of targeting socio-economic prosperity and peace among all humanity with no issue of one’s religion, race, status, gender or nationality.


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